The Elevoplasty® Procedure for Snoring
Is Elevoplasty right for you?
- Learn what Elevoplasty is
- What to expect after the procedure
- What to avoid after the procedure
- What other patients experienced
- and more!
or call us at: (832) 237-7777
What is Elevoplasty?
Why was the Elevoplasty procedure developed?
Is the Elevoplasty procedure right for me?
What do I do next?
How does your snoring affect you?
90 million adults are affected by snoring. Snoring is breathing loudly while asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring affects as many as 90 million adults in the US.1 Snoring is caused by air vibrating the tissues in your nose and mouth—and those vibrations produce noise.
Your quality of life?
20% of adults snore loudly enough to disturb their bed partners. Snoring can have a number of negative social effects, including excessive daytime sleepiness, increased agitation, decreased productivity, and difficulty concentrating.2
Your impact on others?
Approximately 20% of adults in the developed world consistently snore loudly enough at night to disturb their sleeping partners.3 Snoring can cause frustration and resentment in partners and family members, even leading partners to sleep in separate rooms.4